Monday 1st June 2020
FATIMA KOROMA, DIRECTOR of Revivify CIC Foodbank, and member of SI Croydon, was elected President at their recent Zoom AGM.
“I hope to encourage new membership and opportunities for us and other women to partake in activities involving women worldwide.
“Thank you also for the support given from the onset of the epidemic, it feels strange starting my year with this looming over us but I’m confident we will do our best. I especially appreciate how members have adapted to technology. I’m sure that’s a definitive ‘first time’ holding an AGM on a digital platform.
It reflects our diversity and willingness to adapt. In the current circumstance this will help us and other women feel empowered to do more in their communities. “This leads me to my theme this year; Celebrating culture and embracing diversity.
“The Covid 19 epidemic has given us all time to reflect on our lives and how we can help others in our community. So we look forward to encouraging new membership this year. At this stage we are planning programme action and wish to have a positive impact on local women’s lives.
“As someone who has worked with food poverty for years, I look forward to promoting the end of hunger; no child or adult should go hungry and I also will campaign for food security and improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture. “Our programme action will reflect the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This will allow members to participate with “calls for action” across a variety of themes. New members are encouraged to get involved and share their ideas. “Worldwide food poverty affects women adversely. The consequences of this often lead to trafficking, and domestic violence. I would also like to work with local organisations to raise awareness for, or to benefit, women. “With the eradication of poverty, particularly among women, as the main theme of my year, I hope Croydon members will get behind me to support CAYSH (Croydon Association for Young Single Homeless) a charity which supports homeless young people, and is on the frontline of dealing with young women facing abject poverty. “I’m confident that our vibrant community sector will have us involved in various additional themes and programme action work and look forward to working with them and with the club to have a successful and enjoyable year ahead. “I have taken much guidance from my group and got involved in my own capacity, this was encouraged by members, especially from Grace Onions. So I am pleased to wish her well in her new role at Region. “I look forward to a year of productive programme action, friendship and collaborations within our community and beyond.” FATIMA KOROMA, PRESIDENT SI CROYDON