Latest News
This page provides all of our latest news and updates. If you would like further information on anything mentioned, please feel free to contact us, using the details on the ‘Contact Us’ page of the website.

The King’s Christmas Broadcast features donated Christmas tree.
The King’s Christmas Broadcast was filmed in the Fitzrovia Chapel, London.
Formerly the chapel of Middlesex Hospital, it is now a space for quiet reflection, discovery and celebration, connecting diverse communities from all faiths or none.
In 1928, His Majesty’s grandfather, King George VI, laid the foundation stone of the building.
The featured Christmas tree was donated to Croydon BME Forum and Macmillan Cancer Support’s ‘Can You C Me?’ project and will be placed in the Royal Trinity Hospice, Clapham, the oldest hospice in the United Kingdom.
Click here to read full report
E – Visa Workshop Part 1
As the UK Government transitions to the e-Visa system and discontinues physical biometric residence cards from 31st December, CroydonBME Forum is organizing sessions to support individuals during this change. These sessions will assist attendees in registering on the UKVI website, uploading necessary documents, and updating their photographs.
Barbershop Project
A pair of barber shops in south London are offering customers free blood pressure tests to tackle undiagnosed health issues amongst black and Asian men.
The project, run by London South Bank University (LSBU) and Croydon BME Forum, has trained barbers at Finishing Touches and Jul’s the Hair Klinik in Mitcham to provide on-the-spot blood pressure checks.
According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), high blood pressure is more common in black people.
The barber shops’ owners hope the tests will raise awareness and save lives.

Croydon Cancer Conference 2024
On the 3rd July 2024 the first of six conferences as part of the ‘Can you C Me?’ project was held in Croydon.
With over 200 attendees, the main conference room was packed out with members of the community coming to listen to the range of fantastic speakers.
Hosts Anthony King & Andrea Tshibangu did a brilliant job at keeping the energy high and providing moments of comic relief throughout the day. The speakers covered a wide range of subjects about cancer within BME communities in Croydon and included Macmillan
staff, health and clinical specialists, leaders of different organisations/ charities and those with a lived experience of cancer. The panel discussion and Q&A gave attendees the opportunity to ask and get answers about things that were important to them.
There were also a wide range of stalls to go and speak to and workshops delivered in the afternoon, giving attendees the opportunity to learn and speak more about the subjects that interested them.
The event was incredibly well attended and gave a platform to a wide range of organisations and work that is happening to improve cancer care, support, research and understanding within BME communities in Croydon.
Keep an eye out for the next conference that will be taking place towards the end of the year!
Take charge of your health with the NHS App
At Croydon BME Forum we want everyone to be able to take charge of their health.
The NHS App provides access to services 24/7 and is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.
You can use the app to:
– View your prescribed medication and request repeat prescriptions to pick up at your chosen local pharmacy
– Without needing a paper prescription.
– View your GP records, which can include information about appointments you’ve had, immunisations and your specific health conditions.
– Find your NHS number.
– Access NHS 111 Online to get advice or medical help near you.
Hear how some of the NHS App Ambassadors use the app: Lauren, a midwife in Leeds, Arun, a surgeon in Worthing, Ben, a paramedic in Southampton, and Dionne, a senior nurse in London.
For more information, including how to download the NHS App, please visit
CSCP Publishes Serious Youth Violence Thematic Review
Commissioned by the Croydon Safeguarding Children Partnership (CSCP), the independent review relates to seven children and young people involved with the tragic deaths of three children and young people in 2021. All were found guilty of criminal offences following the three, unrelated incidents.
Launch of Can You C Me Project in Croydon
The launch of Can You C Me, facilitated by Croydon BME Forum, and funded by Macmillan Cancer Support. The project aims to ensure that all residents affected by cancer have culturally appropriate and accessible support. This is a significant step in the BME Forum’s work to tackle health inequalities of ethnic minority communities in Croydon – a really positive step for everyone.
Get Winter Strong: why having a flu vaccination matters
Despite the recent hot and sunny weather, winter is coming, and with it comes an increased risk of catching flu. Flu can leave many of us feeling dreadful and laid up in bed for days, but for certain groups, the effects can be more severe or even life-threatening.
Community library championing Black literature opens
A community library celebrating Black authors has been launched as part of the Black British book festival.
The Black British book festival, in collaboration with publishers Pan Macmillan, has unveiled the Croydon Black Book Community Library, at the BME Forum, in the heart of the Whitgift Centre in North End, Croydon.
On the 18 of October, students from our Hair & Media Make Up and Body and Spa programs at John Ruskin College, came together for the fourth consecutive year to participate in the Intergenerational Care Event 2023.
This heartwarming event, made possible through a partnership with the Manju Shahul-Hameed Foundation, continued its tradition of bridging the generation gap and building community bonds.
Community Connectors create inviting and informative spaces across Croydon to help tackle health inequalities – South West London ICSCroydon’s Core20Plus5 Community Connectors organise health information events for local communities to give everyone the same opportunity to have a healthy |
Amro supports Croydon Black History 365
Amro Partners has partnered with Croydon BME Forum to sponsor their Black History 365 programme, comprising creative, cultural and health & wellbeing events spanning 2023 and 2024.
The events are a combination of partnerships, commissions and CBME Forum led projects encouraging members of the community to participate, view, learn and share. The programme is linked to Croydon’s status as London Borough of Culture for 2023
New Community Mental Health Hubs are coming to Croydon
New mobile Community Mental Health Mobile Hubs are on their way to Croydon thanks to the Ethnicity and Mental Health Improvement Project.
Following a rigorous selection and assessment process, CBMEF was chosen from more than 400 charities across the UK as one of the 10 winners of the 2023 GSK IMPACT Awards which are delivered in partnership with leading health and care charity The King’s Fund. Now in their 26th year, the awards are a mark of excellence in the charity sector, designed to recognise the outstanding work of small and medium sized charities working to improve people’s health and wellbeing in the UK. Click for more info
A conference aimed to address racial disparities within cancer support, raise the voices of marginalised communities and emphasise the importance of equality in healthcare.
With over 150 people in attendance the event proved to be the begining of conversations long over due. Click to view the website.
We came together as a partnership to work around a shared common goal to achieve a better world for everyone. Croydon BME Forum in partnership with Croydon Health Services NHS Trust, Croydon Council, and Norbury High School will be launching Black History Month on Friday 30 September 2022.
Croydon BME Forum has announced that London South Bank University (LSBU) has become a silver sponsor of the community organisation, following a new donation by LSBU to expand its work. LSBU healthcare students are hoping to be involved in the work of the new Health and Wellbeing Space in the Whitgift Centre, from Spring 2022
Black and minority ethnic survivors of domestic violence have reported feeling judged by local caseworkers who “shrugged” or “raised an eyebrow” when the survivors told their story, according to research carried out by Croydon support groups.
Five focus groups held by the Bromley & Croydon Women’s Aid (BCWA) and Croydon BME Forum found that some women will not return to centres providing support as a result of such experiences, and have left feeling stigmatised.
The Croydon BME Forum is to open a Health and Wellbeing Space in the Whitgift Centre in October.
The space will provide services similar to that available at Croydon BME Forum’s other space, The Wellness Centre, which is also in the Whitgift Centre, and will offer free high-quality mental and physical health support to help alleviate stress, anxiety and isolation.
Croydon BME Forum joined forces with local organisations in a bid to inform the black community about the Covid-19 vaccines following the recent low uptake.
A recent study by the University of Oxford and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found that 21 per cent of black people over the age of 80, who are currently eligible to have the vaccine, have been vaccinated compared to 43 per cent of their white counterparts.
Croydon BME Forum joined forces with local organisations in a bid to inform the black community about the Covid-19 vaccines following the recent low uptake.
A recent study by the University of Oxford and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found that 21 per cent of black people over the age of 80, who are currently eligible to have the vaccine, have been vaccinated compared to 43 per cent of their white counterparts.
We are pleased to present our 2021-2022 Annual report which highlights our achievements and challenges. We have continued to work hard in developing and creating new and sustainable projects as we operate to deliver vital community services to meet the needs of the community.
This report aims to be balanced and open providing useful information on what we have achieved in the past year and our future objectives