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Digital Library

Our Digital Library aims to Educate, Empower & Support you, to understand the importance of participating in cancer screening programmes (Bowel, Breast and Cervical) as well as seeing your GP if something does not feel right and you have concerns.

When it comes to Cancer, there are cultural beliefs, family support systems and community dynamics which can play a role in how BME people cope with cancer. Also, how decisions are made about attending screenings and any care which may be required. The Croydon BME forum aims to help you come to an informed decision. Understanding the importance of early diagnosis along with what support is available for you is the first step.

Our cancer awareness campaign video was created through a partnership with Croydon Residents, who are Cancer Champions and also Cancer Survivors; who work hard to educate the community about early diagnosis.

The video was recorded at various locations around Croydon, including our Wellness centre located in the Whitgift centre.

Bowel Cancer

Bowel Cancer Talk – We hosted an online Bowel cancer awareness session, with the wonderful Lisa-Lyna Ofosu-Asare. Lisa-Lyna is a Health Improvement Specialist, based in the Bowel Cancer Screening Centre at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Currently, Bowel cancer screening is available to everyone aged 60 – 74. The programme is expanding to age 50 -59years.

Bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that can affect people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, including Black people. If you or someone you know is concerned about bowel cancer or any other health issue, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional for guidance and appropriate screening and prevention strategies.

More information can be found via 

NHS website

Bowel Cancer UK

Bowel Cancer

If you are worried about bowel cancer, please speak to your GP.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer online talk –  We hosted an online Breast cancer awareness session, with the knowledgeable Dr. Judith Mbaire BSC BM MRCGP. Dr Mbaire is a  GP Parchmore Medical centre and GPSI Rapid Diagnostics Clinic, Croydon University Hospital. In this session we focused on how to self-examine and the importance of early diagnosis.

Breast cancer is something that can affect anyone, both male and female of all races and ethnicities. However, for Black women there are some unique factors and disparities that impact the incidence, outcomes and experiences of black women with breast cancer.

Some studies confirm black women are more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer at a younger age, compared to white women. This means they may face the challenges of breast cancer at a stage in life when they are actively raising families and pursuing careers.

More information can be found

The NHS website

Black Women Rising

Breast Cancer Now

If you are worried about breast cancer, please speak to your GP.

Prostate Cancer

It’s the most common cancer in men, but most men with early prostate cancer don’t have symptoms.

Prostate cancer is not always life-threatening. But when it is, the earlier you catch it the more likely it is to be cured.

Answer three quick questions to check your risk.

Click Here

Cervical Cancer 

Also known as smear test, cervical screening does not test for cancer but rather prevents it. 

The test checks a sample of cells for HPV- a common group of viruses. Most people get some type of HPV during their lives which are not life threatening and the body naturally gets rid of. But if high risk HPV stays in the body then it can cause changes to the cells in the cervix.

These changes may become cervical cancer if left untreated!

More information can be found

The NHS Website

Jo’s Trust
– Helpline Number – 0808 802 8000

If you are worried about cervical cancer, please speak to your GP.

Lets talk about Cervical Cancer Tri Fold Booklet


If you would like to order any copies of of our Tri Fold please email [email protected] 

Coffee Morning Feedback / Project Feedback

‘’I really enjoy attending the coffee mornings and learn a lot’’

‘’It’s obvious you’re providing a safe and kind place for people to learn and get their voices heard, which is exactly what Croydon needs’’

‘’I really enjoy being a cancer champion and hosting events. I have learnt a lot about Cervical screenings and HPV’’

‘’Really good project, with a lot of diversity and I can see many opportunities for growth’’

‘’All the cancer awareness events are amazing and remind people positivity is the key, feelings are not facts’’

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Contact Information:
Email [email protected] 
call 020 8684 3719
Opening Hours

Head Office 

Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm

Wellness Centre

Mon-Fri: 10am – 5pm 

Health & Wellbeing Space

Mon-Sat: 10am – 4:45pm

Contact Info

Head Office 
56a Mitcham Road
Croydon CR0 3RG

Opposite Kwik Fit and BP Petrol Station Corner of Albion Street

Travel information
Buses: 264 – 1 Min to Head Office
Nearest Train or Tram Stop: West Croydon

TEL: 020 8684 3719 

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