The Cancer Awareness Project has been specially created for You.
Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be distressing; however, getting yourself checked out and knowing you are OK, can provide an immeasurable amount of peace in your life.
We have partnered with The RM Partners, West London Cancer Alliance and The Asian Resource Centre of Croydon to bring awareness to the amazing services available in the community. RM Partners is hosted by the Royal Marsden, a specialist cancer treatment hospital in London.
It is so important you check on your health, through regular screenings. You may feel fine today, but going through a screening tests may identify something that may or may not be cancerous.
A Cancer diagnosis also affects family and friends. It is so important you look after them, by looking after yourself first.
There is an old Jamaican proverb which says, ‘Wanti wanti can’t get it, getti getti nuh want it’, meaning the Have-nots crave what the Haves take for granted. You have access to help and support, please do not take it for granted.
Contact me for more information and find out how you can get support. Attend one of our workshops, coffee mornings, get access to information on screening tests etc.
We are dedicated to supplying high quality information, for people thinking about cancer
Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be distressing.
However, getting yourself checked out and knowing you are ok, can provide an immeasurable amount of peace in your life.