Refugee & Asylum Support
Immigration and Asylum Support Service (IASS):
Service in Croydon Council that can help people who are subject to immigration control and can’t receive money from the UK government. Includes asylum seekers, refused asylum seekers, overstayers, EEA nationals and refugees in a different EEA state. Offers help with temporary financial support, accommodation (most likely outside Croydon, London or Southeast England due to limited space), money for basic needs, and social care. Eligibility for the service requires checking immigration status, amount of money received, current place of stay, if there are any urgent needs, and access to food and accommodation.
Telephone: 0208 726 6000
Email: [email protected]
Croydon Refugee Day Centre
Centre that supports asylum-seekers, refugees and migrants primarily in the Croydon area. Information and help desk services, access to language classes, sometimes emergency food, clothing or toiletries provided on Tuesday mornings for Croydon refugees and asylum-seekers. Wednesday mornings provide social and children’s play sessions, refreshments, language classes and activities e.g games and gardening for those in Croydon Asylum hotels. Staff are mainly volunteers
Telephone: 0208 689 4527
Email: [email protected]
Young Roots (Croydon branch)
An organization that helps refugees aged 11-25 from Croydon and surrounding areas. Accept self-referrals and referrals from schools, colleges and health and social care services. Helps approximately 300-350 young refugees yearly, mainly from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Sudan and Vietnam. Majority of the refugees are minors and arrived without their families. Provides a weekly Advice & Support Hub with activities, legal advice, counselling, casework support for immigration, housing, health, and education. Also arranges a young women’s weekly group, an English-language mentoring programme, and trips during school holidays.
Telephone: 02086849140
Email: [email protected]
Refugee & Migrant Network Sutton
Network providing free confidential advice, assistance, translating etc for asylum seekers and migrants in Sutton. Helps with asylum, immigration, finances, benefits, housing, health, education, and employment. Also provides English Language classes and emergency help.
South London Refugee Association
Community organization providing specialist advice and support to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants who are in crisis from past trauma or at risk of current restrictions due to immigration. Aims to ensure that migrants in South London have access to justice and opportunities. Services for young people, adults and families. Group sessions are arranged to help with improving English, socializing, and participating in activities. Also offers separate groups for men and women.
Refugees in Effective and Active Partnership (REAP)
Independent and refugee-led organization in West London. Aims to empower refugees and asylum-seekers to live as valued members of British society. Believes those who have escaped danger, persecution and suffering should receive effective support to rebuild their lives
[email protected] – Sarah Crowther: Director
[email protected] – Rachaporn Slater: Administrator, Finance, Interpreting Service, Opportunities (EQUIP Training)
Refugee & Migrant Forum of Essex and London (RAMFEL)
Charity supporting vulnerable migrants during crisis so that they have access to justice. Hope to reduce discrimination and disadvantage in society and promote the inclusion of asylum seekers, vulnerable migrants and refugees. Gives advice and support regarding immigration, housing, food, integration, training, and EU Settlement Scheme
London Asylum Crisis Project (Refugee Action)
Project providing asylum seekers with advice, casework, and advocacy regarding how to access accommodation and/or financial support. Believes every asylum seeker in the UK should live with dignity rather than becoming hungry and homeless
Voices in Exile
Works with refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable migrants who have no access to public funds in Surrey, and East and West Sussex. Practical and legal support, e.g., specialist immigration casework, is provided. Also offers a weekly food and toiletries bank, learning programmes, creative activities, and help with developing skills and resilience
01273328598 (Mon-Thurs, 9am-5pm for Reception)
(Tues, 1:30-3:30pm and Thurs, 2-4pm for Advice)
Manchester Refugee Support Network (MRSN)
Grassroots organization providing practical support to people fleeing persecution, conflict, abuse, and injustice. Gives advice concerning universal credit, education, GP registration and citizenship applications. Runs activities, English lessons and skills training. Helps refugee communities work together to improve quality of life.
Faith-based project by Birmingham Churches Together for refugees and asylum seekers in Birmingham, Solihull and Smethwick. Offers befriending support, employability training, activities for men, women, and families, and mentoring. Aims for a society in which all refugees and asylum seekers are welcomed, valued and integrated.