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Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity


Welcome to the Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Project. Croydon BME (CBME) forum in partnership with  Asian Resource Community Centre (ARCC), The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN), in South London, to improve representation and equitable participation of under-represented communities in gaining access to healthcare services and health care research. 

Who are the EDI funders?

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN) is committed to improving the representation and equitable
participation of communities that are traditionally under -represented in health-related research in underrepresented groups from the Croydon based communities.

What is EDI?

Equality is making sure everyone has equal opportunity

Equity is not the same as  equality. Equity is about giving people what they need to make things fair. Equity acknowledges that not everyone will start from the same place, however we wish to finish with the same outcome!

This is recognising and valuing differences in people. We come from  a wide range of backgrounds and mindsets, which helps create an empowered multi-cultured society

This is a real sense of belonging, where people feel valued , irrespective of their background, identity or circumstances.

Getting started Know your rights

If you feel you are being treated unfairly, ask for the organisations, Policies and Procedures on:
1. Equality
2. Data Protection Information Sharing and Confidentiality,
3. Whistleblowing,
4. Complaints and Disciplinary,
5. Customer service/Code of Conduct & Behaviour

REMEMBER to keep good notes of the events
1. Who you spoke to
2. Where and when the incident took place
3. What time and
4. If there were others as witnesses!

Most importantly, Remember you are not alone!
Croydon BME FORUM is here for you!

Improving the experience and access to healthcare
provisions for Croydon’s Black Communities

Our survey of 1,000 BAME respondents in Croydon in March 2023 – Key issues

Responses out of 1,000 Issues
619 English is not their first language
525 Difficulty to access GP
515 Do not trust their GP
328 Do not Trust their hospital
836 Go to the pharmacy for medical assistance
590 Do not feel any care and respect when they are accessing health care
589 Do not feel they have a say in their Care
622 Do not feel listened too.
960 Never approached for Clinical Trials
Further research is being conducted to find out WHY and WHAT can be done to improve access, engagement and promote sustainable change.

What do we want to achieve?

To achieve equality requires identifying the barriers, biases and taking targeted action to overcome inequalities. Inequalities can be demonstrated through a number of ways,  such as, however, not limited to: prejudice, stereotyping, racial profiling (negative labelling) racism, harassment, microaggressions, oppression and discrimination (direct and indirect) Unfortunately there are  systems within institutions, which perpetuates the status quo, through behaviour, polices, practices and culture in place.

How to get involved:

If you are an individual – and would like to learn more about the project including how to get involved in focus groups, surveys, and interviews.

If you are a local community group, charity or faith organisation or other services in Croydon who would like us to work together on this project please email us.

Getting started Know your rights

If you feel you are being treated unfairly, ask for the organisations, Policies and Procedures,on:
1. Equality
2. Data Protection Information Sharing and Confidentiality,
3. Whistleblowing,
4. Complaints and Disciplinary,
5. Customer service/Code of Conduct & Behaviour

REMEMBER to keep good notes of the events
1. Who you spoke to
2. Where and when the incident took place
3. What time and
4. If there were others as witnesses!

Contact details:

Juliyah Brown – Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity Research Project Coordinator/Community Facilitator
[email protected]
07570 334938 – 0208 684 3719

Opening Hours

Head Office 

Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm

Wellness Centre

Mon-Fri: 10am – 5pm 

Health & Wellbeing Space

Mon-Sat: 10am – 4:45pm

Sun: 11am: – 4pm 

Contact Info

Head Office 
56a Mitcham Road
Croydon CR0 3RG

Opposite Kwik Fit and BP Petrol Station Corner of Albion Street

Travel information
Buses: 264 – 1 Min to Head Office
Nearest Train or Tram Stop: West Croydon

TEL: 020 8684 3719 

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