My Ends
The My Ends project was birthed out of the Violence reduction Unit (VRU) in response to the violent crime rates within inner city areas. The funding aims to holistically desist young people from crime, through initiatives such as mentoring, parental support, trauma, and mental health training, establishing community partnerships and giving voice to local residents.
My Ends is designed to provide support, capacity, and funding for initiatives that are already in place within neighbourhoods, by helping them become more sustainable and effective in their practice. The My Ends Capacity builder will help at two critical stages of development – at the inception, and at the point of service-delivery. We aim to identify their needs, train, and mentor them in supporting local people increasing their reach. The capacity builder role also commissions partnerships between experienced providers and grassroot organisations.
Specifically, the My Ends capacity builder will run workshops and 1-1 sessions providing funding application support, advice on marketing and business strategy, hosting educational seminars with specialists, health and safety support guidance, policy writing and much more.
If you have any questions, or for more information please contact:
Marvin Porter – My Ends Capacity Builder