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Social isolation and BME older people in Croydon

Tuesday 20th March 2018

Croydon BME Forum held an event to discuss the key issues around social isolation and BME older people in Croydon. The issue (and possible solutions) were summarised in a report that the Community Development Worker for older adult had produced as a result of the engagement with local health/social care professionals and older people.

Cllrs Louisa Woodley (Cabinet Member for Families, Health and Social Care) and her Deputy (Cllr Patsy Cummings) joined eighty-two participants, including social workers, voluntary sector staff and older people themselves. Police officers, a representative from Transport for London and a senior therapist from Croydon Psychological Therapies and Wellbeing Service answered questions from the audience.

The report will be finalised and circulated by Thursday 5th April 2018. For any queries, or if you are interested in receiving a copy, please contact Anna DAgostino, Community Development Worker (older adults) at [email protected] or call 020 8684 3719

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Mon-Fri: 10am – 5pm 

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Croydon CR0 3RG

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Buses: 264 – 1 Min to Head Office
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