Latest figures show that people of African-Caribbean descent are up to eight times more likely than others to get the eye condition Glaucoma; if undetected and untreated, Glaucoma can lead to sight loss – possibly all of it.
In a bid to reduce sight loss and blindness among the African-Caribbean community, Croydon Vision, in partnership with Croydon BME Forum are running a year-long campaign to make African-Caribbean residents aware of the risk they face.
Those who have or have had Glaucoma in their immediate family are most at risk.
So our message to the African-Caribbean community in our borough is this:
- If You are over 40 you should have an eye test
- If you have had Glaucoma in your close family you should have an eye test
- If you are over 40 and have Glaucoma in your close family you should have an eye test
All this and more is spelled out in our first campaign leaflet which features Councillor Louisa Woodley, Croydon Council cabinet member for families, health and social care, an ardent supporter of our campaign and herself of African-Caribbean heritage.
It is supported too by the International Glaucoma Association and the campaign is funded by the Greater London Fund for the Blind.
The aim is to reach 24,000 African-Caribbean Croydon residents with the message.
An event will be held on Friday 28th October 2016 at Croydon BME Forum, 56a Mictcham Road, Croydon CR0 3PB; from 12 noon to 2pm prompt. Please contact 020 8684 3718 or nadine@bmeforum,org to book.