Monday 11th January 2021
Volunteer Role Description
Croydon BME Forum has been funded to run the long-term conditions (LTC) project between 2020 – 2021 in collaboration with the Asian Resource Centre of Croydon. The aim of this project is to educate and empower families in the black, minority, ethnic (BME) communities, so we can create a healthier and knowledgeable society.
The LTC’s this project will mainly focus on are;
- Type 2 diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Respiratory Illnesses (COPD)
Community Champions Overview
The role will be to support the work of the Long-term conditions (LTC) and Expert Patients Programme (EPP) project coordinators by acting as ambassadors for the programme. It will be of particular importance in the recruitment process that these candidates have connections/access to the Croydon BAME communities they will be serving.
This will enable them to provide education and information about;
- Key risks of LTC’s
- The importance of early diagnosis and treatment to avoid complications
- The importance of lifestyle changes i.e. stop smoking, sugar consumption
- The importance of recognising signs and symptoms of LTC’S i.e. Diabetes
- Risk and complications that can arise from existing conditions e.g. high blood pressure, diabetes and highlighting risk of stroke and heart attacks.
To apply for this role please send your CV and a covering letter stating what you feel you can bring to this role to [email protected] or if you would like to discuss details of the role further contact Tracy on 07706 846 402